Houseplants Quiz Results #1. The edible asparagus is asparagus officinalis. The closely related plant that is grown as a houseplant is called what? Asparagus deliciosus Asparagus deliciosus Asparagus decorosus Asparagus decorosus Asparagus fernosus Asparagus fernosus Asparagus plumosus Asparagus plumosus #2. To grow well, begonia rex requires which of the following? Constantly wet compost Constantly wet compost High humidity High humidity High level of nutrients High level of nutrients High temperature High temperature #3. This leaf pattern is typical of which houseplant? Money plant Money plant Rubber plant Rubber plant Swiss cheese plant Swiss cheese plant Zebra plant Zebra plant #4. Which type of ivy is this? Canariensis Canariensis Colchica Colchica Helix Helix Hibernica Hibernica #5. When growing a gloxinia from a tuber how deep should the tuber be planted? Sitting on the surface Sitting on the surface Lightly covered Lightly covered An inch below the surface An inch below the surface Two inches below the surface Two inches below the surface #6. This is a Ficus benjamina. To which group of plants do Ficus belong? Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Figs Figs Palms Palms Spruce Spruce #7. To get hyacinths flowering inside for Christmas you will need to give them a cold treatment lasting how long? 2 weeks 2 weeks 5 weeks 5 weeks 8 weeks 8 weeks 11 weeks 11 weeks #8. What type of orchid is this? Cymbidium Cymbidium Cymberbidum Cymberbidum Cymberitum Cymberitum Cymsersitum Cymsersitum #9. This plant is variously known as heart of Jesus, angel wings and elephant ears but what is its scientific name? Caladium Caladium Chamaeodora Chamaeodora Chlorophytum Chlorophytum Crassula Crassula #10. What is the name of this plant? Saintpaulia Saintpaulia Sanseveria Sanseveria Sinnigia Sinnigia Spathiphyllum Spathiphyllum Finish