3 Extremely Easy & Cheap Self Watering DIY Ideas

No neighbors to water your plants when you’re away? No problem.

If you are like most of us, sometime this summer you might want to leave town for a few days. Really inconvenient from the point of view of your plants, but hey, we’re human! No need to hire the next door neighbors kid to creep into your back yard for thirty seconds each day to wet the soil surface and then run off to the mall. Here are some great DIY self watering ideas for your garden, so no matter how much fun you have on vaca, you don’t come back to a plant funeral.

#1. Bottle On Sticks

Needed material:

  1. One plastic bottle
  2. Two wooden sticks approx. 16 inches long
  3. Adhesive sticky tape
  4. Retractable utility knife
  5. Measuring tape


Wath the video below for the full DIY tutorial.

#2. Piped Bottle


Needed material:

  1. One plastic bottle
  2. One PVC pipe approx. 10 inches long
  3. Heat source for heating up the pipe
  4. Retractable utility knife
  5. Measuring tape

Wath the video below for the full DIY tutorial.

#3. Rope Wick

Needed material:

  1. One bottle
  2. A rope from organic material used as a wick (cotton, flax, linen…)
  3. A screwdriver

Wath the video below for the full DIY tutorial.


So go ahead, get outta town! These DIY self watering ideas for your garden will keep it all green and happy for your return!

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