Shape-Shifting ‘Origami’ Pots That Grow Together With Your Plants

Origami 2

Origami 1

The Most Creative Planter Designs Ever

Indoor plants have been shown to reduce stress and purify the air, and they also leave your home looking great. With beautiful planters like the ones in this list, you can make your home even more beautiful and relaxing by keeping your plants inside pots and planters that are works of art.

The fact that certain plants are effective at cleaning the air is a matter of scientific record; the NASA Clean Air Study maintains a list of popular household plants that have been shown to filter benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and other common indoor pollutants. These plants, as well as the cool planters you can keep them in, are especially worth having in the city!

#2 Jellyfish Air Planter


#3 Japanese Moss Planters


#4 Rainy Pot


#5 One Pot, Two Lives


#6 Vertical Garden Planter

Vertical 1

#7 Book Planter

Book 1

#8 Micro Planter Chess Set


#9 Hands Planter


#10 Wearable Planter


Tell us, which one of these creative planters is your favorite one and would like to decorate your home?

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1 Comment
  1. Christine says

    My favorites are #5 & #6

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